"MARI had HERO take a picture of us. Everyone thinks a flower crown really suits me."


dumb 14 year old with too much internet freedom (tahts me )
my name taco (like my name jeff) and im 14 and i like DRAWING drawing is quite cool i think.

"Everyone's eating watermelons. So juicy! AUBREY has some seeds on her face. Maybe someone should tell her."


I like OMORI, MOTHER/EarthBound, Rhythm Heaven, BanG! Dream, D4DJ, Friday Night Funkin', Puyo Puyo, Splatoon 1+2, and Smash Bros!!

"KEL said he took a picture of himself on accident, but I don't believe him...."


If you are a loser do NOT follow me. i hate losers. losers are so lame. god i hate losers.
I also make many poop and pee jokes so if thats gross to you im sorry

"HERO's still making his flower crown. It's taking him a little while, but he's getting it. You have to admire his persistence."